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Pat Metheny Side-Eye with James Francies and Joe Dyson

The Pantages 710 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis

NEA Jazz Master and 20-time Grammy-winning guitar icon Pat Metheny has unveiled the latest chapter in his wildly prolific career – Side-Eye, a new project featuring a handpicked cast of […]

$54 – $79

Peter Kogan’s Monsterful Wonderband

The Icehouse 2528 Nicollet Ave S, Minneapolis

Peter Kogan's Monsterful Wonderband will be playing Peter's latest compositions, some great jazz standards and favorites  from his CDs. Jake Baldwin, trumpet Pete Whitman, sax Cody LeDuc, trombone Geoff LeCrone, […]


Bill Peterson/David Hazeltine/Paul Peterson

The Icehouse 2528 Nicollet Ave S, Minneapolis

NYC master jazz pianist, David Hazeltine will be joined by two extraordinary talents from the Peterson Family, Billy Peterson (bass) & Paul Peterson (drums) for a night of superb jazz.

$20 – $25

Steve Clarke & the Working Stiffs

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

Steve Clarke’s fine sax-playing is front-and-center in The Working Stiffs: an upbeat 5-piece combo and singer playing swing-era tunes and originals. This lively, fun music will definitely put a “swing” […]


Standard Ishue

Jazz Central Studios 407 Central Avenue Southeast, Minneapolis

Standard Ishue was formed 3 years ago when its members were organized into an ensemble at North Central University in Minneapolis. Since then, the group members have all graduated, and […]


Fuzzy Math

KJ's Hideaway 408 St. Peter St., St. Paul

Twin Cities-based band featuring original eclectic jazz & creative pop covers. Named to Best of MN list for “best jazz act for people bored with jazz”. The band is Mark […]


Joey DeFrancesco Trio

Crooners 6161 Hwy 65 NE, Minneapolis

DeFrancesco has recorded and/or toured with his own groups as well as numerous renowned artists that include Ray Charles, Van Morrison, Diana Krall, Nancy Wilson, George Benson, James Moody, John […]


Dave Schmalenberger & Biggie Smallz

Jazz Central Studios 407 Central Avenue Southeast, Minneapolis

This new trio will be playing originals by David and Kam, as well as not-so-standard-standards. Featuring: David Martin, guitars Kam Markworth, acoustic and electric bass Dave Schmalenberger, membranophones and idiophones


Katia Cardenas

KJ's Hideaway 408 St. Peter St., St. Paul

Specializing in jazz, soul, and r&b, Katia is a gifted vocalist with a passion for bringing energy and soul to her performance. She brings emotional authenticity to every song, and […]


Sinatra! with Andrew Walesch Big Band

Crooners 6161 Hwy 65 NE, Minneapolis

Like a good many before him, singer and pianist Andrew Walesch manages to encapsulate the sophistication of a cosmopolite and the self-effacing charm of a country boy. Andrew Walesch and […]

$40 – $45

Ivan Cunningham Quintet

Jazz Central Studios Live Stream 407 Central Ave SE, Minneapolis

Ivan Cunningham is a saxophonist and composer based in Minneapolis. This evening will feature Ivan’s compositions alongside the music of composers such as Julius Hemphill and Carei Thomas.   Featuring: […]

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