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Twin Cities Jazz Fest Presents: Fuzzy Math

KJ's Hideaway 408 St. Peter St., St. Paul

Fuzzy Math is a staple of the Twin Cities music scene, led by composer/keyboardist Mark Vandermyde and featuring some of the finest local players (for this show, Brian Handeland on […]


Zacc Harris

MetroNOME Brewery 289 5th Street East, St. Paul

Marilyn Maye

Crooners 6161 Hwy 65 NE, Minneapolis

Marilyn Maye, the 94-year-old cabaret legend, who many claim is firmly at the apex of her amazing career, lives by her credo “It’s Today!” like nobody else. A practitioner without […]

$55 – $65

The Twin Cities Seven with an opening set by Peter Goggin Quartet

KJ's Hideaway 408 St. Peter St., St. Paul

8:00pm Peter Goggin Quartet Peter Goggin – Atlo Saxophone Charlie Lincoln – Bass Alden Ikeda – Drums Desmond Teague – Tenor Saxophone 9:30pm The Twin Cities Seven Steve Wright – […]


Jessie Street Jazz Band

KJ's Hideaway 408 St. Peter St., St. Paul

Take a trip down memory lane with this nostalgia filled show, “The Beat Goes On” featuring songs from the 60’s and 70’s. This performance is not just covers of classic […]

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